Sunday, September 28, 2008

"Look what I can Do..."

Since surgery, my mom has been doing her exercises... building back the strength and use of her left arm... Today, she wanted to show everyone what she can do... YAY, MOM!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Down South and Back Home in a Couple of Days

On Friday, my mom and dad drove down South early in the morning for another round of chemo... this time it was a quick trip so that my mom could do her treatment and then come back home to spend some time with her grand kids and family... Sooo on Saturday morning my mom and dad cheered to a cup of coffee (that my mom can still taste, again, at this moment...) and then off they went... back on the road towards home.

My mom returned home today to find Spider-man waiting for her. Her next chemo treatment is schedule for October 10th, so she has some time to rest. We had a nice visit and I'm glad she is home, again...

Back to Supervising

My mom went back to the classroom this past week for supervision and paperwork only... But enjoyed watching everyone else work. She said, "They seem to be doing an EXCELLENT job..." But she is still glad they need her... (She loves you all!)
She also mentioned that she got to visit OTP and enjoyed seeing everyone. Thank for your support!
Oh...! and thank you sooo much Donna M for always thinking of my mom when adding another beautiful child to her class to compliment her classroom environment... She laughs and says, "Donna did it again!"

Much love,
Marleen XOXO

Time with the Family

After chemo on Friday, my mom and dad went back up North to spent time with the family... It was Matthew's birthday on September 10th so it was time for a post celebration.

Matt and Mireya brought the food and they cooked it too.

Chemo on 9/19

My mom took the boat, back to the mainland, on Thursday for more treatments on Friday... This time, my Dad was her support person... What support... :) ?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Friends Next Door...

On the rock, my mom had a chance to enjoy some time with Dawn's great friends next door, on the island.

Back to the Island

After finding-out on Tuesday that my mom would need to have some more treatments done on Friday... she decided to take a trip back to the island for a few more days of relaxation and fun...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

"Dr. Donna" Consults...

Yes...! Wine is the Dr.'s order... This natural pain relaxer will help and do wonders...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Again... "We plan God laughs"

Well... things didn't go according to plan... my mom went to the doctor today and found-out that she will have to go through more treatments of chemo... :(

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sweets and Coffee Again

My mom seems to have FINALLY gotten her taste buds back... she had cake and coffee for breakfast this morning... (Yum yum)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sexy Mama!

My mom is a sexy mama! My mom is trying to do anything... these days... like walk in Christie's high-heels. Yup... my mom is feeling better... and getting back to her old self... less "chemo mouth" these days... :)

Family Over for Lunch

Family went to my grandma's house to continue the "family reunion"... with many great desserts to celebrate my grandma's birthday.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Zuanich Family Joins Together...

Although funerals are not the happiest of times... they sometimes bring many families and friends together that don't normal get to see each other too often... and that was the case today... My mom and Dawn represented the Golonsky family as they attended Ann (Zuanich) Halverson funeral and got a chance to visit with family members that live so far away... "It was nice to see everyone again..." is what my mom keeps saying.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thank You for Your Support...

My mom has really enjoyed the cards that everyone has sent her in the past few weeks... She has put them up in her room to cheer her up...

All Good Things Must Come to an End...

Thank you everyone on the rock... my mom enjoyed her time with all of you...
the great Avalon staff dinner on the beach...

... ...the many thoughts and prayers... the great homemade food from Dawn's neighbors... the restful hours of time to recover... and a nice mass at church with Mary and her family... Yet, all good things must come to an end... so my mom boarded the Catalina Express at 3:45 pm today so that she could get back to the mainland for more doctor visits on Tuesday.

Bathing Suit Shopping on the Rock

Hummmm... this looks nice for my "new" look... What do you think?

Time on the Island

When my mom was a little girl... she use to go to Catalina Island during her summers... Where my "Aunt" Kathy and her would be stuck on the rock... Now, Dawn lives and teaches Special Education there in Avalon. So my mom went back to the island to visit Dawn's home and school...

This brought back memories of good times and allowed my mom to have some down time to rest as Dawn went back to work for a couple of days...

Birthday's to Celebrate

My Grandma and her friends took my Mom out to lunch... to celebrate my Grandma's and Gigi's birthday this month. The french dip sandwiches at Hof's Hut have been something that my mom has been able to stomach and enjoy. Yum...Yum... Next, my mom had a doctors appointment where she got her drain removed and the okay to travel to Catalina Island for more recovery time in paradise... :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Yes... We... Went to Church...

Grandma made my mom and Dawn go to church... after partying hardy last night with the FBC (Fabulous Beautiful Chicks) group.

Just Making it Up...

Jed showing my mom and Dawn how to put eyebrows and eyelashes on...

Good thing we have great friends... Who else would be lucky enough to have a great make-up artist in the family... thanks, Jed!

My mom's friend, Doris, came by to visit today with her son, Jed, and his friend, Lu feng who are local make-up artists, in Southern California... and no... I'm not "just making this up"...
after chemo you even loss the brow and eyelashes on your Jed cheered my mom up with some make-up tips along with a new set of eyelashes.

Another Wedding! Paula's getting Married!

Paula brought her hobbie to a FBC meeting to see if Shane passed the test with the group... The votes are in... We can't wait for the wedding! Congrats, Paula and Shane!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

What would we do without Friends to Lift our Spirits?

The FBC (Fabulous Beautiful Chicks) group, also known as the "Aunts"... have been friends since grade school... What a GREAT group of friends that have been there for each other through thick and then... What would we do without their friendships to lift our spirits at a time like this...? So of course, for my mom's loss... they found her a wonderful replacement... (a nice size bra, 40 DD, with many socks to fill it...) What do you think?