Saturday, August 29, 2009

Getting Out...

My mom got out of the house today with her sister, Andrea, and her mom for the movie "Julie and Julia". When she returened, she was surprised with the company of her son, Andrew, and his family for dinner.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Trial and Error

Last night was another rough night for my mom... so she called her Pain Management doctor for some more advise... it seems as though it will take a couple of trails and errors before getting the best med. combo for my mom's pain... However, her doctor is hopeful that things should be working-out for her soon and if not he doesn't mined being called until then...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Keeping Track of Meds.

Last night continued to be a hard night for my mom... so Christie called her doctors, Dr. Nguyen and her Pain Management doctor for advice. Both doctors called my mom personally and made sure to up her meds. so that she could be more comfortable... Much thanks for GOOD doctors! Now, Dawn needs to make a spreadsheet to keep track of all the meds. given to my mom so that she doesn't have to worry about over or under dosing.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thank God for...

Thank God for good doctors and meds! After treatments, today, my mom visited her Dr. for more help with her pain... Hopefully, she will feel better soon! At least now she is in bed able to finally get some rest due to the meds.

Edable Roses

Thank you Aunt Debbie and family... it was sooo nice to return from a long day of treatments and Dr. visits to edable roses... THE BEST KIND.

Back at Grandma's

After Christie and Dawn spent the day with my mom... they returned to Grandma's for a good-bye/good luck dinner for our cousin, Tim, who will be going back out to sea for another fishing round. (Yum, yum...)

A LONG Day...

Yesterday, my mom went to the hospital and pain management for help with her pain, which turned out to be a long day for her... but hopefully the meds. given to her will help to take away some of the horrible pain that she has been feeling lately...
Sprinkles cupcakes always helps... Thank you Christie!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pain Management

Today, my mom and Dawn went to the hospital for my mom's treatments/ Dr. visits, again...
It was conformed that my mom's cancer is spreading outside of the current treated area... so the Dr. had his staff remark her for a larger area of hyperthermia and radiation treatment. Also, she was referred to a Pain Management Center, which she will attend tomorrow with Christie and Dawn at 12:30pm to discuss her pain management options.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Time on the Rock

Time with family and friends on the Island, this weekend...

Birthday Surprise

My cousin, Bob, thought he was going to the Island with his Mom and my mom for his birthday... SURPRISE the cousins were at the Landing to take him for a day of fun on the rock, instead.
Happy Birthday, Bob!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Women, Stories, and Good Food

Today, my mom and Dawn enjoyed the women, stories, and good food at the infusion center... Although, cancer is not a club you want to be in... this group of women truly know how to make the best of treatments...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Routine down...but...

In the last few days, my mom and Dawn have gotten the routines down at the hospital... but both say it is getting old and tiring... sooo my mom is hoping to feel good enough to go on a boat ride to the Island for a weekend get away.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Traveling Support

Piggy has been traveling with my mom for almost a year and a half now... She takes piggy to all of her treatments... So... last night, Dawn washed my mom's pig before treatment this morning... Everyone at Long Beach Memorial knows that piggy gets hyperthermia and radiation at the same time as my mom...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Beautiful Surprise!

It was a beautiful surprise for my mom to get back from the hospital, today, to a beautiful bunch of roses from my Grandma's neighbors, Annie and Jim Kresl. THANK YOU! They are lovely!

What a pain!

My mom's cancer is causing her a lot of pain... Today, she did her treatments and then was seen by her Dr. in Long Beach who said her kind of cancer is unfortunately the PAINFUL kind... (they say usually cancer itself isn't painful, but in my mom's case IT IS...) Her cancer seems to be spreading and traveling on nerves... (ouch!) Hang in there mom!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Traveling Back

Dawn will be driving my mom down South later today so that she can get settled for her next couple of weeks at Long Beach Memorial for treatments... (Hyprethermia, Radiation, and Herceptin)

Time with Grandkids

Before heading back down South for treatment, my mom wanted to spend time with her grandkids... sooo Dawn, Matt's family, and Kalab and I went to lunch with her yesterday then spent a few hours at Matt's "new home", while the kids had a great time playing together.

Time to Set-up, say Hi, and Goodbye for now...

Dawn helped my mom set-up for this school year, see the staff, and enjoy some time with the kids. She was so glad to be able to do this... even though it was tiring for her. Now she says she can go back to treatment knowing that everything is okay at work... (where she would rather be...)

Thank you, everyone! She looks forward to returning... and feeling better... hopefully, SOON!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Back at School

My mom was sooo happy to be able to go back to school, today... She and Dawn got a few lesson plans and things done for the beginning of the school year... and off to lunch everyone went for some great catching-up time. Although my mom is now completely drained she was so glad to be back in her room. Tomorrow, she will be going to school again... so that she can see the kids before heading back to the hospital down South for more care.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A LONG Day at the Hospital

Today, my mom, Dawn, and Dad spent 7hrs. at Long Beach Memorial as my mom received her treatments... First, she had an MRI at 8:45... then a hour lunch break before going in for her hyprethermia and radiation treatments... (How tiring...!) After all was said and done for the day... my mom, Dawn, and Dad got on the road at 3pm to travel back up North so that my mom could she her classroom before the school year begins...

Monday, August 10, 2009


Today, my mom went to Long Beach Memorial with my dad and Dawn to start her 5 days a week hyprethermia and radiation treatments.

Hi Grandma!

This weekend my mom's grandchildren got together to play... while Matt's family moved off base... Here they are waving "Hi Grandma" (They miss you and can't wait to show-off their new home when you return home...)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lunch with Good Friends

My mom enjoyed lunch with her good friends before starting her treatment schedule again on Monday. My mom began her teaching career with Jane and Marney in Monterey in 1972. My mom was only sorry that Marney wasn't able to make it, but my Aunt Katie and Aunt Donna joined. What great friends!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Today, my mom was told that she will need to continue with her chemo pills with a combination of herception every 3weeks and hyprethermia and radiation 5 days a week for a few weeks... Sooo... she would rather be at work... however, it looks like her doctors would like to focus on these treatments... In fact, it was confirmed by her doctors, today, that she is stubborn about wanting to go back to work... (She tried to use the excuse of needing to see the kids and her classroom in order to feel better.)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It looks like...

Today, the hyprethermia consult went well... In fact, it looks like my mom will be moving back in with her parents... to receive care and treatment at Long Beach Memorial. This way, Dawn will be near by to help out with things even when school starts again on the island.
Kaleb and Selah enjoyed visiting with Grandma down south over the weekend prior to her appointments.