Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Girls


Thank you Aunt Debbie, Aunt Andrea and Grandma Marincovich for putting on such a nice Baby Shower for me! It was a great day!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Nana and Aunt Andrea made a great meal.

And then, of course, ice cream with grandma!

My mom would like to thank everyone for the love and support given to her through the comments on the blog and cards. She truely enjoys hearing from everyone and it keeps her spirits high.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My mom has been spending the last couple of days resting and trying to manage her pain. Her medication has been increased and my dad and Mireya have been doing an amazing job with the care of her wounds.

Today was an emotional day, but the Ice Cream Man came just in time to sweeten the day. We enjoyed the ice cream together, compliments of Holly, and soup from Olga.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Surviving Without Dawn!

Dawn returned home today and left my mom in the care of my dad, Mireya, and myself. I know my mom is in good hands, but it will not compare to the 24 hour care that Dawn was able to provide.

Today was also a quiet and restful day even with the grandkids!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Archangel Oracle Cards

Kathy Hall come by, today, with a deck of Archangel Cards for my mom. "Archangels are very powerful, wise, and loving guides who can motivate and heal you in miraculous ways..." Thank you, Kathy! My mom and everyone enjoyed your visit...and books.

Wonderful Cards

Thank you to the many friends and family members that have been sending my mom cards. (Especially, Kathy Hall, who has sent a card almost daily.) She has truely enjoyed getting them...

Taking a Break...

Yesterday was an emotional day for many of the girls in the family... so... my mom treated all of us to a pedicure. Thank you, Mom/Grandma!

Andrew and his family visited this weekend and my mom enjoyed recording a very special book for all her grandchildren "All the Ways I Love You".

Thursday, January 21, 2010

"I Love You, Grandma!"

Today, Matthew wanted to be with his Grandma ALL day. I love you, Grandma he would say... and then when it came time to go to bed he wanted Grandma to get in bed with him... sooo she did... (Oh, how he wishes he could make his Grandma well again!)

A Double Rainbow is a sign to...

GET OUT of the house!

After feeling stuck in the house for the past few days... my mom didn't care what it would take to get her out of the house, even if it meant taking the grandkids to Denny's and Target on a rainy day...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Charlie Brown, Yesterday...

Wendy/Pippi Long Stocking today... (My sister-in-law, Mireya, loves to dress my mom up)

A New Day

I helped my mom get out of bed today so that Dawn could lay in bed a little longer...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Rough Day...

Today was a not so good day... the reality of my mom's illness was really rough for her to handle throughout the day... (Some days are just better than others...) Yet, she was cheered-up with some Olive Garden soup and salad that her good friend, Olga, brought by.

In addition, her daughters are spending the night, near her side, in hopes that she has a better night..., since she lately fears being in bed...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Friends and Family make a Great Day

My mom has TRULY enjoyed having her friends and family around...

A Better Night

Last night was a better night for my mom... she enjoyed her famous recipe of Spaghetti and good company... (We all cleaned our plates! :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Rough Night

Last night was a ROUGH night for my mom... at 4am in the morning she woke-up in a panic... she felt as though she was trapped in her body and in bed and wanted to get up right then and there! However, my mom can nolonger do such on her she woke Dawn up to help her...

Later things got better... after everyone was up; a big effort was made to put her make-up and new eye lashes on for her outing with my Dad and long time  friend, "Aunt" Kathy.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Restful Day

Today, my mom enjoyed a restful day with her family...

Wanting to Feel Pretty in Pink

Yesterday, my mom wanted to feel pretty in pink... so her cousin, Holly, and I helped to paint her finger nails pink to go with her pink lip stick and over-all outfit.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Making Memories...

for her grandchildren...

(Although she is tired and weak my mom wants to continue to put on a front for others especially her grandchildren, so that they can remember the good things... not her illness... Of course, that's my mom, always thinking about others before herself.)
"T" is for Tea Party with Grandma

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Restful Stage of My Mom's Journey

Since last night, my mom has been at peace...going in and out of a restful place in her mind... so we let her lay in bed as we bathed her and got her ready for the day... Shortly, after her bath, the Swans Delivery Man rang the door bell with ice from her cousin Holly. YAY!!! (We all screamed... for ICE CREAM!)

Sooo... it was ice cream for lunch and then time to go back to sleep...