Friday, October 30, 2009

This past Tuesday, my mom visited her classroom for a little while... to check-in on her students and staff.  She was so glad to see that everyone was doing okay without her... Thank you, Mary Ann and Lori for holding the fort down.

Monday, October 26, 2009

On Wheels

My mom and I spent the morning at Target where she finally decided to try a motorized cart after insisting that she did not need one. Once on the cart I could not get her off and she almost took a couple of displays with her. We had a good laugh. She also decided not to shave her head and let her hair fall out on its own, but she did cut it short with her one good arm.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

In Honor of My Mom

Thank you to Carolyn Morison and friends who walked in San Fransico, this month, in honor of my mom.

Friday, October 23, 2009

My mom has been spending the last few days at home resting from her treatments. She has been very tired and her hair is starting to fall out again. I hope you have your knitting needles ready grandma because she is going to need more hats!

Thank you everyone for your love, prayers, and cards. They really help lift her spirits!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


My mom, made it home and couldn't be happier... ("There's nothing like HOME!")

Monday, October 19, 2009

In with the Good out with the Bad

Today, my mom had another blood transfusion, which lasted 3hrs. and then had her left lung drained again... (almost a liter of fluid was taken out).

Sooo... the doctors didn't want her to be traveling home tonight... So as of right now, the plan is for her to be traveling tomorrow morning... (We will see...)

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Although my mom's blood counts were low and she needed and had a blood transfusion on Friday... She was determined to celebrate Dawn's birthday with her at Goofy's Kitchen. A wheelchair was in order, since she was sooo tired... however, she made it!!! And that's why we LOVE her... she keeps going and going... What a fighter!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


A big thank you to Cindy Sanders who walked for a cure in honor of my mom. Cindy raised $3,900 out of $4 million for Breast Cancer Research. She walked 53 of 60 miles. (WOW!!!) What an amazing job!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Busy Week

My mom has had a busy weekend and last few days.

Saturday/Sunday - My Aunt stopped by with soup and her matching fanny pack to lift my mom's spirits... while Kaleb and Elijah enjoyed watching a movie with grandma.

Thank you Torre Boy's for the Snake! It helps support her arm and
Auntie Marleen loves it.

Monday - Father Alex came from Fresno and held a small mass for my mom at home.

Tuesday - My mom and I spent the day watching a movie, "The Proposal" while she taught me how to make Sauerkraut.

Wednesday - Rest and a visit from the Home Health Nurse.

Thursday- Headed back down south for a pain management appointment.

Friday- Infusion and chemo day...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Home Again!

My mom made it home this morning. The Home Health Nurse came over to start her meds. She has to carry the med bag around 24 hours and is not happy with the size. This does not look like a small big, Auntie Donna! Hopefully it will start helping with her pain soon.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

At the Hospital doing Good...

Hi everyone... I know many of you are wondering how things are going... At this point, she is having a produce done to hopefully help with the pain and make her comfortable. After spending the night here at Long Beach Memorial she will then be released in the morning to head up north for Home Care so that she can be at home, which she is looking forward to...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Long Day... But a GREAT Day!!!

Today, my mom had Communion at 7:30am, then preceded to try on many outfits for Picture Day at school...

These are the three GREAT L's (Lori, Letty, and Leticia) that are giving LOVING CARE to the classroom...                                                                                                                                                 

One can not express the joy and strength that the classroom fulled my mom with today! Thank you all!!! She loves and misses you guys, GREATLY!!! That is her life!!!

That is what she is soooo fighting soooo hard to have back!!!

Although my mom would have LOVED to stay at work and feel as though life was back to "normal"... she couldn't, since she needed to get back down south to be admitted to Long Beach Memorial before 5pm, which meant a quick trip back to the hospital...

Monday, October 5, 2009

For a Cure

Cindy Sanders was busy this weekend walking for a cure. We are sooo proud of her! Thank you bunches! Our thoughts were with you the whole time! Love, Marleen


Thank you everyone for your continuous thoughts and prayers! Last night, my mom had a circle of friends that showered her with love and prayers! What a wonderful thing the Lord's graces can give us... Much Peave, Love, and Faith to all! We love you!

P.S. Debbie- The song, "I didn't know my own strength" was wonderful!!! (We played it all morning...)

Sunday, October 4, 2009


What a GREAT DAY we all had with everyone yesterday!!! My mom was sooo glad to be around everyone...(Thank you for those of you who came by to visit and share your time to celebrate life with us!) For the first time (in a LONG TIME), my mom was up all day... not wanting to sleep and miss a thing...

Friday, October 2, 2009


Yay!!! My mom is home!!! After many hours on the road... she pulled into the drive-way late last night to a wonderful welcome home sign and balloons... Now, she is looking forward to an open house event, tomorrow. Come by to visit... starting at 11:00am to help us enjoy each others friendships, love, and support. The family welcomes you and looks forward to seeing everyone... (214 S. Harvard Ave, Lindsay, CA 93247)